Saturday, May 25, 2013

Back in Tofino harbor at Fisherman's wharf after 3 days in the field.  We come in around dinner time, go out to eat, come back to use the showers at the dock, grab some internet, and collapse from exhaustion.  Three dives a day can be tiring.  As I wrote last, the routine is to deploy the cameras, which are connected to a computer on the boat by long cables.  We then set up a marker that indicates north, insert magnets in the ground, and add fluorescent markers that show us which way the water flows.  We know our slug orients to water flow, especially if scented with food or mates.  And we know they can use the magnetic field to guide their crawling in the lab.  But we are not sure what they use the geomagnetic field for exactly.  We are collected 9 hours of video of day, or more, from the six cameras each.

I'll add some more photos presently.  Here is the pamphlet from Captain David McRae.  He and his boat are treating us really well.  David is a really likable guy, good cook, and keeps a very clean and capable boat.  He's a straight up guy like some many skippers. 

Give you an idea of what our camera sees.  The white PVC tubing shaped like an L is our north pointing marker.  The blue and white striped tape flows downstream from our magnets.  The orange carrots are sea pens, food to our sea slugs, which are more pink/red than orange.

This is our dive site, a bay near Macintosh Rocks, near Vargas Island, BC.

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